With Guidelines for annual reporting you know exactly what annual accounts must legally comply with. There is an edition for small legal entities and an edition for medium and large legal entities... and the new RJ App for your tablet completes your standard equipment! You get free access to the RJ App when you purchase the books. Handy, because with the RJ App you have the guidelines digitally available anywhere and anytime - so you can quickly search, compare, annotate and even email them. The RJ App contains a handy search function and also offers the option to search via the table of contents. You can quickly retrieve recently consulted information and the second screen makes it possible to view, for example, a legal text next to a directive. You can easily create favorites so you can quickly find frequently used parts. The app also allows you to take notes, which you can share with your colleagues if desired. If you want to forward a specific paragraph to a colleague or customer, you can easily create an email from the app in which you include the paragraph. The definitions of the RJ are included in their entirety and you can consult all RJ expressions that appear in the meantime directly in the app. Install your RJ App now!The RJ App has been specially developed for the tablet. Download the demo version now to get acquainted with the RJ App. To use the full version you need a registration code. You will find the registration code and user instructions on the first endpaper of the book. You can arrange your subscription quickly and easily at www.rjapp.nl.Please note: this version is only suitable for tablets.Privacy policy: https://www.wolterskluwer.com/nl/privacy-cookies